Monday, 1 September 2008

The magic number

With Corbett having been selected as the No. 2 choice on Labour's diabolical Yorkshire European Elections regional list, there is a chance that the man could lose his seat.

It is probably likely that a 28% swing would be required for this to happen. So, all of thee with common sense, let us link arms and pray together, for the magic number 28 in June 2009 could not only see Labour ONCE AGAIN decimated, but could see to it than no dosh from taxpayers pockets will be funnelled into this jerk's bank account. At least, that is, until he cashes in his cozy EU pension!

(Even if we may have to witness Corbett and his comrades give one final salute to the EU flag with tears on their eyes upon departure, as televised by Corbett's mates in the BBC!)

1 comment:

BritBloke said...

Please God, let the snivelling little traitor lose his place on the gravy train.

He is a fascist through and through.