Wednesday, 10 September 2008

A challenge to Corbett

If anybody of influence in the any of the pro-EU camp reads this, why not ask Corbett if he will take on UKIP's No. 2 on the Yorkshire List, Jonathan Arnott? Parts of their previous debate are up on YouTube where Arnott undoubtedly come across as the guy with his heart and mind in the right place opposed to Corbett's dodogy politico soundbites.

Going further though, why not throw UKIP's brilliant MEP Godfrey Bloom in there with Labour No. 1 Lindsay Macavan? Why not UKIP No. 3 Jason Smith vs. Labour's No. 3? Why not have these debates all over the country? Why not put the debate in the public, out there, in the run up to next year's elections? Corbett is a staunch defender of the European Union when inside their HQ and when behind a keyboard, why not in front of people, why not on TV?

Let us have the debate in Yorkshire and then all over the country: UKIP vs. Labour. Euro-realist vs. Europhile. Patriots vs. Politicians.

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