Monday, 2 June 2008

Oh dear...

To get the ball rolling...

Printed in the Independent - 17 June 2004

Sir: Remember the hysterical warnings from the anti-Europeans and tabloids about Britain being flooded by immigrants from eastern Europe on 1 May? Well, it's now been six weeks since we welcomed 10 new countries into the European Union, and the floods of immigrants have spectacularly failed to arrive - just as they did in 1981, 1986 and 1995. Yet another Eurosceptic scare story has been discredited.
RICHARD CORBETT MEP (Lab, Yorkshire and the Humber) Leeds

As they say....DOH!

I think that's 1-0 UKIP.


Ronnie Corbett said...

Corbett has shown himself to be totally out of touch with the British people on this issue (and many others). Not suprising really, considering he 'alledgedly' lives in Antwerp, Belgium!

Corbett Watch said...

Lives in twerp, is a twerp..